Ms. Mary G. Ross 1992
Mary G. Ross is a retired Senior Advanced Systems Staff Engineer from Lockheed Missiles and Space Company. She is a pioneer in the research, development and application of the theories and concepts of ballistics, orbital mechanics and astrophysics, and is the first woman engineer in the history of Lockheed. She made contributions in the conceptual design of ballistic missile Systems the Agena Rocket, manned and unmanned earth-orbiting flights and interplanetary space travel missions.
Ms. Ross is a Registered Professional Engineer of California in Mechanical Engineering. She received the Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics from Northeastern State University at Tahlequah, Oklahoma and the Master of Arts degree in Mathematics from the University of Northern Colorado at Greeley.
Ms. Ross is a charter member of both the Los Angeles and Santa Clara Valley Sections of the Society of Women Engineers and has served as National Treasurer and on several national committees. She has participated in many career guidance and mentoring activities to encourage girls and American Indians to develop careers in science and mathematics.
Ms. Ross is a Life Member of both the Society of Women Engineers and the American Indian Science and Engineering Society. She has received the 1961 Woman of Distinction Award from the San Francisco Examiner, the 1961 Woman of Achievement Award from the California State Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, the 1985 Contributions to Engineering and Scientific Community Award from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (Region VII), the 1985 Achievement Awards from both the American Indian Science and Engineering Society and the Council of Energy Resource Tribes, and the 1990 Jessie Bernard Wise Women Award from the Center for Women Policy Studies.