Board of Directors Nominations Slate Proposed for 2024-2025

The Silicon Valley Engineering Council (SVEC-CA) announces candidates for the 2024-2025 Board of Directors. The nominating slate was presented at the April 16, 2024 Council meeting. The slate includes:

Ceal Craig (SWE SCV)

Vice-President (choose 1)
Kim Parnell (ASME)
Sri Seelin (EAASV)

Elise Englehardt (ASME)

Richard Schaefer (ACM)

Director 1 – Director 4 (choose 4)
Yanika Schneider (SPE)
Glenn Friedman (IEEE)
Michael Wright (IEEE)
KRS Murthy

Past President
Liana Ye (ACM)

The election for these positions will take place at the next SVEC Council Meeting:

When: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 7:00PM
Where: Ozen Engineering, 1210 E Arques Ave Suite 207, Sunnyvale, CA 94085