Dr. Lotfi Zadeh 2006
Dr. Lotfi Zadeh is an eminent figure of Engineering and Science, whose early contributions in Systems Theory and Control Theory are by themselves sufficient to justify his renown. He is a co-developer of the theory of sampled-data systems. He developed the theory of time-varying systems, and his seminal book on “Linear System Theory” with C.A. Desoer was for at least a decade a fundamental graduate engineering textbook.
Professor Zadeh is a Fellow of the U.S. Academy of Arts and Sciences, a Member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, a Life Fellow of the IEEE, a recipient of the IEEE Education Medal, and a Member of the Russian Academy of Science. He is a Professor in the Graduate School at the University of California at Berkeley and was the founding Chair of Berkeley’ Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Lotfi Zadeh is known as the inventor and “father” of Fuzzy Logic. This concept has received attention in practically all fields of science and engineering, as well as in linguistics, psychology, economics, and in many other fields of the social sciences and the humanities. The INSPEC database reveals more than 15,000 citations to his ideas in the scientific literature. His work has given rise to many well-known applications including the automatic gear-shift system used by Volkswagen.
He is a recipient of eleven honorary doctorates from universities in seven different countries (U.S., Canada, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Azaerbaidjan, Spain), including recent honorary degrees from the University of Toronto (Canada) and the University of Toulouse, France. Prof. Zadeh has also received the Honda Prize which is awarded to one scientist or engineer each year. Because of his many contributions, Lotfi Zadeh has been recognized with major engineering awards including IEEE’s 1992 Richard W. Hamming Medal, the 1995 IEEE Medal of Honor, the 1984 IEEE Centennial Medal, the Eringen Medal of the Society for Engineering Science, and many foreign awards.