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Zoom of 2025 Engineers’ Week Banquet and Hall of Fame Ceremony

February 18 @ 6:50 pm - 8:50 pm

2025 SVEC Banquet to meet Hall of Fame Inductee Laurence W. Nagel, PhD w/Keynote by Mark Seeger, Founder of Glydways


Program Agenda
5:00PM – **Reception & Hall of Fame Exhibits** w/No-Host Bar
5:50PM – **Take seats in Dining Room**
6:00PM – **President’s Welcome** (and Dinner served)
6:10PM – **Dinner with Colleagues and Friends**
6:50PM – **HoF Committee Remarks**
Hall of Fame Purpose & Future Plans
7:05PM – **SVEC Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony – Laurence W. Nagel, PhD**
7:25PM – **Keynote Presentation**
**Mark Seeger,** Founder, Glydways
*Disaggregated Mass Transit – How Packetizing Mobility is the Best Way to Move People*
7:55PM – **Education Awards**
***Yanika Schneider, PhD*** – SVEC Board and Education Committee Chair
STEM Scholarship Awards and Keeper of Flame Award
8:10PM – **Program Close**

Join us for an exciting evening at the **Delta Hotels by Marriott** Santa Clara Silicon Valley in Santa Clara, CA, USA. The SVEC-CA Annual Banquet is a must-attend event for engineering enthusiasts, professionals, and students alike.

The Silicon Valley Engineering Council (SVEC) proudly presents the **35th Annual Engineers Week Banquet and Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony** on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. The SVEC honors outstanding individuals for their contributions by welcoming them into its Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame ceremony recognizes local engineers for their outstanding professional achievements, both in engineering and technology, and for significant contributions to the community. The banquet will also feature a distinguished keynote speaker, **education scholarship** **awards** to students for academic excellence and the **Keeper of the Flame Award**.

**Sponsorship Opportunities Available**This year is the 35th Anniversary of The Silicon Valley Engineering Banquet and Hall of Fame Ceremony. This is a great opportunity to expose your organization or company to Silicon Valley’s eminent engineers and technologists, sponsor scholarships and help SVEC’s mission. [Please see details here](https://svec.us21.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d94ae2aa113f9036ed9e11acd&id=d21aba0786&e=0deedaf58e).

Meet the Silicon Valley Engineering Hall of Fame 2025 Inductee – Laurence W. Nagel, PhD


Laurence W. Nagel, PhD is a renowned developer of integrated circuit simulation software, having developed a program named “Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis,” commonly called SPICE, which launched a cottage industry of circuit simulation tools that have been used throughout the world since the early 1970s.
Larry’s career includes 20 years at Bell Laboratories working on the ADVICE circuit simulation program, process and device simulation tools, development of the Kull-Nagel bipolar model, sub-micron NMOS processes, patent licensing and the Celerity circuit simulation program.
In recent years, as the founder of Omega Enterprises Consulting, he has been advising clients in Analog circuit design, Computer-Aided Design (CAD), circuit simulation (SPICE), semiconductor device modeling and is often an expert witness in patent litigation and trade secret cases.
Larry earned his BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering at the University of California-Berkeley. He became an IEEE Fellow in 2005 “for contributions to the field of integrated circuit simulation,” and is now an IEEE Life Fellow. SPICE was recognized with an IEEE Milestone in 2011, and Dr. Nagel participated in its Computer History Museum dedication.

Keynote Speaker – Mark Seeger, Founder, Glydways

Mark Seeger founded Glydways to activate his vision: a form of public transit that can move more people than rail, using less than half of the space, which costs 90% less to build and operate while providing a private and on-demand ride every time. Most crucially, this solution can be delivered with commodity technology leveraging existing supply chains. Born in the Netherlands, Mark has spent equal parts of his life in Holland, Singapore, and the United States, giving him insight and experience into regional opportunities and challenges that exist to dramatically change how we as a society move.

Prior to founding Glydways, Mark had early careers at NASA and Apple; founded the biodegradable plastics company GreenIdea in Singapore (sold); the electric motorcycle company Mission Motorcycles and Mission Marine; as well built initiatives that focused on low-cost, high-efficiency air-conditioning for third-world countries with his company GeoCool (sold).

Mark holds an MBA and MS in Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and resides in Brisbane, CA.

SVEC Engineering Education Awards

SVEC recognizes teachers of STEM education and promotes their efforts and accomplishments and encourages STEM students who wish to pursue engineering degrees at higher education institutions.

SVEC High School Award – The Silicon Valley Engineering Council Engineering Education awards recognize young engineering and technology students for their dedication, focus, and commitment to engineering. Engineering and Technology students graduating from high school are eligible. The award is $500 and students may receive an SVEC Education award only once. Recognizes high school engineering and technology students for their dedication, focus, and commitment to engineering. [https://form.jotform.com/241876833791167](https://svec.us21.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d94ae2aa113f9036ed9e11acd&id=bcd082119a&e=0deedaf58e)

SVEC College Award

The Silicon Valley Engineering Council Engineering Education awards recognize undergraduate engineering and technology students for their dedication, focus, and commitment to engineering. Engineering and Technology. The one-time award is $1,000 and students may receive an SVEC Education award only once.[https://form.jotform.com/241876962062161](https://svec.us21.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d94ae2aa113f9036ed9e11acd&id=b07ae346d4&e=0deedaf58e)

SVEC Graduate Student Award

The Silicon Valley Engineering Council Engineering Education awards recognize graduate engineering and technology students for their dedication, focus, and commitment to engineering. Engineering and Technology. The one-time award is $1,000 and students may receive an SVEC Education award only once. [https://form.jotform.com/241876801296162](https://svec.us21.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d94ae2aa113f9036ed9e11acd&id=028ffe723f&e=0deedaf58e)

Keeper of the Flame Award
The purpose is to promote high standards of content and rigor in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education. The SVEC Keeper of the Flame award recognizes and honors those heroes of K-12 education who have distinguished themselves as Keepers of the Flame of knowledge by maintaining high standards of content in STEM instruction in the face of significant challenges. This award is not intended just to recognize outstanding teaching ability. The award will consist of a cash grant of $1000 given directly to the winning teacher. The award funds are to be used by the teacher for educational purposes. Up to two teachers will be recognized each year.[https://form.jotform.com/241876985745174](https://svec.us21.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d94ae2aa113f9036ed9e11acd&id=538656ae0a&e=0deedaf58e)

**Purchase Tickets**

**General Admission**: $110, **Members** $99

(tickets go up $15 after January 15)

**Full table tickets** (10 diners) $1100 (thru January 15), $1250 after

Meal choices include:
Seared Salmon with brown rice quinoa, glazed carrots, citrus herb bur blanc.
Roasted Chicken with red wine pan reduction, mashed potatoes, roasted mushrooms and spinach.
Vegetarian Spinach Ricotta Ravioli with pesto creme sauce, sautéed spinach, and cherry tomatoes.
Dietary restriction meal selections upon request.
Includes wine, coffee, tea, salad and dessert.

Tickets can be purchased by sending a check to Silicon Valley Engineering Council, PO Box 610385, San Jose CA 95161 (saves SVEC the processing fee) or via Zelle to [treasurer@svec-ca.org](mailto:treasurer@svec-ca.org) or through EventBrite by clicking [Buy Tickets (Early Bird Prices to 1/16)](https://svec.us21.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d94ae2aa113f9036ed9e11acd&id=cfd51dcdaa&e=0deedaf58e “Buy Tickets (Early Bird Prices to 1/16)”)



February 18
6:50 pm - 8:50 pm


Online event