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Narrative mapping tools. (Feb 7th 1pm – 3pm)

February 7 @ 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Narrative Mapping or Digital Story Telling. A hands-on primer to creating interactive web maps and “story Maps” in various platforms. We’ll first learn how to build a basic interactive web map isn ArcGIS Online then move on to building stories around geography with narrative mapping tools like Esri Story Maps, StoryMaps JS, and Google Earth Web Tours.
Quick overview of Narrative Mapping examples and various web apps.How to log-in to ArcGIS Oline as a Stanford affiliate.In-depth interactive map creation with the ArcGIS Online Map Viewer.Publishing an interctive mapping application in AGO (Esri Instant Apps).Overview of the Esri Story Maps builder.Overview of KnightLabs StoryMapsJS open alterntaive to Esri Sotry Maps.Overview of the Google Earth Web tour builder.If you plan to follow along with the hands-on portion of the workshop, please be sure to bring a fully charged laptop. A mouse is not required but reccomended.
Note: workshop is open to current Stanford affiliates only. You must have a valid Stanford SUnetID to attend.


February 7
9:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Event Category:


Branner Earth Science Library, Teaching Corner